The Power of Words: Using Person-First Language in Carceral and Reentry Settings
Beating the Sunday Blues
The Sunday blues might feel inevitable, but they don’t have to own your weekend.
Season of Compassion
Remembering our brothers and sisters who are incarcerated is one way to celebrate a season of compassion.
Juvenile Justice: Deflection vs Diversion
What are the key differences between deflection and diversionary programs for youth?
Is history important?
Why teach history? Let us count the ways…
Procrastination. Can you relate?
Procrastination is common for all of us, either occasionally or frequently, but key strategies can help and boost productivity.
Investing in the Love of Learning
Investing in correctional education is an imperative!
Passion - Burnout = Purpose
Find your purpose and passion at work to keep burnout at bay.
For the love of books…
Reading benefits adult as well as youthful students.
Ed Tech for Adult Students (Inside & Outside)
Tech skills are a game-changer for all students, even those who are incarcerated.
The Entrepreneurial Spirit
Finding our reason for being is a lot like being an entrepreneur!
Unveiling the Power of a Well-Written Curriculum
A well-written curriculum is the backbone to any learning journey.
Stinkin’ Thinkin’
Cognitive restructuring can be a game-changer!
Teach Problem-Solving
Problem solving skills are essential for secondary, postsecondary, and incarcerated students.
Who Runs the World?
Empowering women to serve in top leadership positions is an imperative, not only for women leaders, but for the organizations that need them.
Fostering Critical Thinking Skills in the Classroom
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, one skill stands out as truly timeless and invaluable: critical thinking.
The Value of Teaching Cursive Writing
There are many educational advantages to teaching and learning cursive.
The Inherent Problem with Mass Incarceration
What is the inherent problem with mass incarceration? A review of a law article and thought-provoking questions tackle this question.
Teaching Through Art
Introducing students to art exposes them to a variety of life lessons.
Where’s the Research?
Conducting research on the effects of pre-release educational programming on post-release outcomes should be a priority for educators and correctional professionals.