Innovations? Really?
Educational best practices only seem innovative in correctional settings because they generally aren’t used in those classrooms. How can we change this?
Technology for Incarcerated Juvenile Students
Providing technology and technology instruction to incarcerated young people is imperative to improve their post-release success, educational outcomes, and mental health.
Focus on Reentry
Investing in reentry, including Second Chance Hiring initiatives, should be prioritized.
Theory of Intersectionality
Thinking about the Theory of intersectionality and individuals with a criminal history.
Hand2Heart DC & Other CBO’s
Never underestimate the value of community partnerships.
Resilience or Grit?
Resilience s Grit: we need to teach both to youth and returning citizens as problem solving skills.
International Women’s Day & Gender Responsive Programming
Celebrating women in education and corrections and shouting out the need to be responsive to the needs of incarcerated women.
Growing Dendrites
Learning how to grow dendrites is crucial for teachers, administrators, and for ourselves.
Teaching the Arts
Fine Arts instruction teaches us about life, stretches our creativity muscles, and offers therapeutic benefits for students in all types of classrooms.
Depictions & Predictions
The labels we use, the ways in which we depict others, and how we think of people influence their beliefs about themselves and their behavior.
STEM Job Training in Correctional Classrooms
Middle skill STEM jobs in the U.S. provide a unique opportunity to prepare incarcerated students for viable employment.
“Specialized” Combat Units
The creation of specialized units in policing and corrections don’t always get the intended results. What are alternatives to promoting peace in our communities by peace officers?
Freeminds Book Club and Writing Workshop is a nonprofit doing great work with incarcerated students and reentry efforts in Washington, DC.
The Definition of Insanity
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results sounds crazy, doesn’t it? It’s time to change our approach to criminal justice and correctional reform.
The Man in the Suit
ANC Commissioner in DC is sworn-in inside the DC jail because…he’s incarcerated. Opportunities for incarcerated individuals lead to positive outcomes.
Some Heroes are Correctional Officers
Celebrate the correctional professionals who truly make a positive difference!
Ready for 2023?
Cognitive thinking is a skill worth developing, modeling, and teaching to others. Learn to navigate your highs and lows with grace and usher in a new year with new habits!
Holidays While Incarcerated & How Technology Can Be the Gift That Provides Joy & Hope
Using technology to bring holiday joy and boredom relief can be a life-saver for incarcerated citizens.
Show Me What You Know
Using nonlinguistic representation as an instructional strategy can increase student achievement.
STEM Conversation
Read an excerpt from a roundtable sponsored by the Education Development Center (EDC) about improving STEM offerings to incarcerated students.