Dallas Youth Safety Collaborative
The Youth Services Collaborative (YSC) Strategic Plan was born from a vision to create meaningful, measurable change for Dallas youth
The Power of Partnerships: How Schools and Communities Can Collaborate for Youth Success
It takes a village to raise our youth!
Juvenile Justice: Deflection vs Diversion
What are the key differences between deflection and diversionary programs for youth?
CJ and Children
Education can be a turning point for incarcerated children.
The Hilarious Hijinks of the Underdeveloped Prefrontal Cortex: Life Before 25
The prefrontal cortex doesn’t fully form until the age of 25, which explains wreckless and emotional behavior in healthy young people, and why individuals who’ve experienced acute childhood trauma still exhibit these behaviors long after their brain should be fully formed.
Locking up Children
In places like Texas, where children aged 10-19 are incarcerated in maximum security prisons, we have to fight for something better.
Technology for Incarcerated Juvenile Students
Providing technology and technology instruction to incarcerated young people is imperative to improve their post-release success, educational outcomes, and mental health.
The Next Generation of Corrections
The next generation of criminal justice leaders must think past the edges of the current system and build something better!
Technology in Secure Classrooms
Why is technology important for incarcerated students, and how can correctional institutions provide access while maintaining security?
Let’s Talk Coding…
Providing meaningful programming for incarcerated or detained students is not only vital, it’s easier than you think.
Finding Joy
Finding joy in your work is essential. Leaders can also ensure that team members maximize their joy at work. By identifying the strengths and constraints of each individual on a team, leaders can build an environment where everyone on the team does more of what they love.
Anybody can teach, right?
Hiring certified educators in our classrooms and to run our educational divisions and institutions is a critical ingredient to learner outcomes. Viva la educators!
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a behavioral framework that improves outcomes through support rather than punishment. Dr. Lopez explores how PBIS can be used in carceral spaces and public schools with great success.
From Burned Out to Fired Up: Stress
Teachers and correctional professionals share common stressors…these are tough jobs with unique challenges. We can avoid burnout by managing the stress that comes with the work. Explore two great resources to help you manage stress, no matter what you do for a living or how you live.
Are You Open to Feedback?
Learning how to give and receive feedback is a critical tool in any great leader’s tool kit.