Dyslexia Behind Bars
Sunday Morning Coffee: Did you know that nearly half of the incarcerated population may be living with dyslexia?
Compliance vs Engagement
Teachers are always balancing the need for student compliance while striving for engagement.
The Transformative Power of Writing: A Lifelong Skill for All Students, Especially the Incarcerated
Writing has multiple benefits for all students, particularly for incarcerated ones.
The One-Room Schoolhouse in Prison Classrooms
The one-room-schoolhouse concept is alive and well in prison classrooms, and correctional educators can enhance student learning by differentiating instruction.
The Power of Displaying Student Work
Culturally Responsive Instruction
embracing cultural diversity and practicing culturally responsive pedagogy can transform our classrooms (even if they're inside four walls).
The Science Behind Setting Up Your Classroom
There’s a science behind setting up an engaging learning environment.
We could all use a 12 step program…
We could all use a 12 step progam to tackle life’s challenges.
CBT for Youth
At its core, CBT operates on the belief that our thoughts influence our emotions, which in turn affect our behaviors. When teens harbor distorted and negative thoughts, they are likely to experience difficult emotions and engage in destructive actions. Conversely, positive thinking leads to positive emotions and behaviors. CBT aims to help teens shift their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors towards a more positive trajectory.
Motivating Adult Learners
Understanding the theory of andragoy can help instructors motivate adult learners, and motivate learners to help themselves.
Living & Working with Adult ADHD
Living and working with adult ADHD can be difficult, but you can also use it as one of your superpowers!
Investing in the Love of Learning
Investing in correctional education is an imperative!
Passion - Burnout = Purpose
Find your purpose and passion at work to keep burnout at bay.
For the love of books…
Reading benefits adult as well as youthful students.
Ed Tech for Adult Students (Inside & Outside)
Tech skills are a game-changer for all students, even those who are incarcerated.
Working with Neurodivergent Students
Ten strategies for working with neurodivergent students.
The Entrepreneurial Spirit
Finding our reason for being is a lot like being an entrepreneur!
Opportunity Youth
Opportunity youth represent a reservoir of talent, creativity, and resilience that communities can harness and support to create a brighter future for all.
How old are we, really?
Developing Emotional Intelligence is a win for teachers and students.
Unveiling the Power of a Well-Written Curriculum
A well-written curriculum is the backbone to any learning journey.